In the United States there are a number of governmental agencies that have responsibility for our transportation systems on the ground, in our waterways and up in the skies. Each one has their own set of transportation projects or travel safety initiatives. And in many cases, a short drive from point “A” to point “B” can mean using systems regulated and policed by multiple municipalities.
Is transportation an important part of your business? Whether you are a professional cleaner making service calls, a farmer who needs to transport fertilizer or a long-haul trucker, it’s important to know where to find transportation news and information that applies to you. A good place to start is the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT). Yes, it’s a large organization, consisting of 13 different agencies, but the USDOT provides a wealth of resources. Here are just a few higlights from the USDOT website.
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)
With safety as its #1 priority, the NHTSA provides driving, vehicle and equipment safety guidelines and educational programs that are of benefit to everyone, regardless of the reasons for being on the road.
Be sure to check out the Distracted Driving Program,, which offers educational tools for employers, schools, parents, law enforcement, and communities.
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA)
FMCSA’s primary mission is to prevent commercial motor vehicle-related fatalities and injuries. This is where you’ll learn about new carrier safety rules being proposed by the USDOT and current Rules and Regulations. If you transport hazardous material or cargo, need to track hours of service, or want to learn more about safety compliance, visit this website.
Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)
The FHWA’s job is to ensure that America’s roads and highways continue to be safe and technologically up-to-date by providing support to States, local and tribal governments for constructing, improving, and preserving our highway systems. Here you’ll find information about federally funded projects and initiatives as well as directories to other resources:
- National Traffic and Road Closure Information
- State Transportation Web Sites
- Transportation and Highway Related Web Sites
Whether your business travel is limited to Orland Park or extends through the state of Illinois, wants you to be prepared. Contact us with your questions about managing risk, loss prevention or workplace safety.
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